Kelly Coreas |
Professor, Respiratory Tech, Co-Chair, Faculty |
2024-2026 |
Academic Senate |
Chris Jackson |
Professor, Kinesiology (Kinesiology, Athletics, and Dance Division) Co-Chair Faculty |
2024-2026 |
Academic Senate |
Michelle Sampat |
Dean of Arts, Arts Division Co-Chair |
ongoing |
VP Instruction |
Annel Medina Tagarao |
Educational Research Assessment Analyst, Research and Institutional Effectiveness |
ongoing |
District |
Fawaz Al-Malood |
Associate Dean, Business, Manager, Instruction |
2022-2025 |
Jared Burton |
Professor, Library science, Library, Learning Resources, and Distance Learning |
2022-2025 |
Academic Senate |
Christina Cammayo |
Professor, Nutrition and Food (Business Division) |
2023-2026 |
Academic Senate |
Aida Cuenza-Uvas |
Director, AANAPISI |
2022-2025 |
Landry Chaplot |
Professor, Adult Basic Education Continuing Education |
2021-2024 |
Academic Senate |
Vacant | At large faculty |
2024-2027 |
Amy Nakamura |
At-Large Faculty |
2024-2027 |
Academic Senate |
Daniel Ozan | At-Large Faculty | 2024-2027 | Academic Senate |
Vacant | Student Member | Associated Students |

Outcomes Committee
(Academic Senate Committee – Reports to Curriculum and Instruction Council)
The purpose of the Outcomes Committee is to provide leadership, tools, training, and support to create an equitable campus culture where outcomes are understood and valued and where assessment functions as a resource leading to improved instruction, curricula, programs, and/or services. The committee oversees outcomes assessment at the administrative unit, course, program, and institutional levels and reports to the Academic Senate through the Curriculum and Instruction Council. The Committee is also responsible for some standards within ACCJC Standard I.B, “Assuring Academic Quality & IE,” and II.A, “Instructional Programs.”
- To monitor, facilitate, and evaluate the process of assessing outcomes for courses, degrees, certificates, and services, including the progress and development of Institutional Level Outcomes (ILOs), Program Level Outcomes (PLOs), Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs), and Administrative Unit Objectives (AUOs).
- To monitor, facilitate, and evaluate the use of a mapping process for ILOs, PLOs, SLOs, and AUOs for courses, degrees, certificates, and direct and indirect support services.
- To recommend process improvements to the Academic Senate by evaluating the procedures and work completed by the College.
- To recommend and support on-going equity-focused data analysis and outcomes assessment.
- To publicize improvements and progress made by departments, divisions, and teams.
- To initiate and implement professional development opportunities relevant to outcomes, with assistance from the Professional Development Council, as needed.
- To maintain currency of the College websites on outcomes assessment.
Want to learn more about outcomes assessment at Mt. SAC?
The Outcomes Assessment Web Site provides links to helpful information, such as outcomes progress reports, presentation
slides for past campus events, awards information, and funding resources.
What has the Outcomes Committee recently accomplished?
Learn about our current goals and recent accomplishments by reading our Committee Goal and Progress Report 2019-2020.
Meeting Schedule
Meetings are held the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month (during primary semesters) from 2:00pm - 3:30pm via zoom