"Because of this workshop, I finally know what each grant I receive, and the meanings
of what FAFSA offers. I also now know how much I would actually spend when transferring
to a university (mostly focus on tuition fees)."
"I like how there was a cite to the webinars that are upcoming and an option to have
it accessible in our dashboard. I learned really useful information."
"I enjoyed the webinar, a lot of valuable information. I just wish it was longer!"
"I like how there was a cite to the webinars that are upcoming and an option to have
it accessible in our dashboard. I learned really useful information."
"Great, I learned new things. A make when investing. I have been getting more and
more interested in investing
in my future now that I am getting older and wished I had this knowledge 20 years
ago, still more to learn before I make the big jump but you gave me more information
I didn't have on how to and how not to."