About MMMC
The Mountie Money Management Center is one of the newest editions to the Mt. SAC roster of student support services. As a Title V funded program, the MMMC is student-centered while welcoming all members of the Mt. SAC family to participate in student-led workshops, interdepartmental/program collaborations, and professional development for all staff and faculty. Throughout the years leading up to our Spring 2021 launch, our program founder and faculty coordinator for the MMMC, Lisa Amos, has personally championed Financial Literacy efforts through her tireless devotion to connecting students to information and resources. In addition to leading the MMMC, Lisa is also an AFC®️ (Accredited Financial Counselor) who is ready to help you with all your personal finance questions; she, along with the entire MMMC Staff are just a click away!

Lisa Amos,
Faculty Coordinator
Lisa Amos, is Mt SAC's very own Certified Personal & Family Finance Educator. She
teaches Personal Finance - FCS 80, Life Management - FCS 41, and Consumerism - FCS
51 as a part of the Family and Consumer Studies Program within the Consumer Science
& Design Technology Department. She joined the faculty in 2002, and the MMMC has been
a dream of hers since 2006 when she accepted her full-time position. In addition,
Lisa has earned her AFC® (Accredited Financial Counselor) through the Association
for Financial Counseling & Planning Education, with the express goal of providing
supportive one-on-one financial counseling sessions with students, staff, and faculty.

Stacey Reiseck,
Faculty Coordinator

Venkata Nayani,
MMMC Administrative Support /Graphic Designer
Venkata’s journey at MMMC started as a Studio13 Work Experience Program Intern during
the pandemic. She designed marketing material and maintained their webpage and canvas
page. From Spring of 2023, she started working under a new position, Administrative
Support, which opened up doors to learn new skills. Currently, she handles both roles
as an Admin and Graphic Designer. Venkata feels that financial literacy and personal
money management are important topics that every student should be educated on at
an early age. She is grateful for the opportunity to work at MMMC, and to be surrounded
by supportive and encouraging people everyday.
Meet Our Student Ambassadors

Amanda Frazier
MMMC Student Ambassador
Amanda Frazier is majoring in Aviation Management and has expanded her parameters
in Tax Preparation and Real Estate. Amanda became certified in areas of interest such
as Pilates Teaching Mat and Reformer, Tax Preparation and Real Estate Sales and intends
to launch small businesses for additional revenue. She currently volunteers with
Women in Aviation Mt. SAC Chapter and VITA Program at Mt.SAC. She is passionate with
helping students to think long-term using their skills, interest and education. She
enjoys working with MMMC to bring financial awareness and literacy for students' current
and future financial decisions.

Angel Morales,
MMMC Student Ambassador
Angel Morales is an MMMC Student Ambassador majoring in Psychology and Fashion Merchandising.
She has a goal of becoming a Social Psychologist while running her small business
on the side and eventually opening up her own store. With her passion for her business,
Angel has learned great knowledge with finances and looks forward to sharing it with
students who also are interested in running their own business one day! “MMMC is such
a great start for people who have no idea how to manage their finances and for people
looking to continue expanding their knowledge. All the skills I’ve learned at MMMC
has taken me steps closer to eventually becoming financially independent.”

Karla Miralles-Perez,
MMMC Student Ambassador
Karla Miralles-Perez, is majoring in Business Administration & Real Estate. She currently
serves on the board of the Mt. SAC Chapter of Women in Aviation International. A
long-time dream is to become a pilot and travel the world. She is a Southern California
native and passionate about personal finance, investing, business law and real estate.
As a parent, business owner and a life-long learner, she enjoys encouraging others
to make their dreams a reality by learning to work smarter not harder.

Lisette Labrada,
MMMC Student Ambassador
Lisette Labrada is majoring in Accounting and Unmanned Aircraft System (Drones).
I am a member of the Mt SAC Chapter of Women in Aviation. She is currently participating
in the VITA Program as a tax preparer here on campus at Mt. Sac. She feels it is very
important for everyone to learn financial literacy so they can reach their life goal.
She is excited about being a part of the Mountie Money Management center, so that
she can learn how to help her community reach their financial goals.

Miraya Aguirre,
MMMC Student Ambassador
Hi! I am Miraya (Mariah) I am 27 years old. I have my pride and joy her name is Maya.
I am a first-generation college student. My major is nutrition and dietetics AST,
to transfer to Cal Poly Pomona, where I will pursue my bachelor's in nutrition. I
am a part of the MMMC because like most people, I am illiterate when it comes to responsible
finance. And of course, I need to be extra responsible since I have a tiny human looking
at what I am always doing. I need to learn the tips and tricks from our workshops
as a student ambassador so I can help my daughter in the future. Since this is not
necessarily something that is taught in schools growing up. With our workshops ranging
from how to know your rights as renters in the state of CA, how to buy a car, how
to file your taxes, how to properly budget, 401Ks, Roth IRAs,etc.