
Counseling Appointments

The International Student Program has designated academic counselors for F-1 students. It is typically recommended to see an academic counselor at least once a semester, but you are encouraged to see a counselor as much as you need! Seeing a counselor can help you figure out which classes to take, develop an enrollment strategy to best succeed, stay on track to graduate or transfer, and assist with finding the right academic, professional, or personal support for you. As of Winter 2024, all counseling appointments are made in the Navigate Student app. The Navigate app is available online for your desktop or laptop computer or by mobile app in the Apple store and Google Play. More information on the Navigate app and scheduling counseling appointments can be found below.

The Navigate Student App

Mt. SAC uses the Navigate Student app to book counseling appointments. The Navigate Student app is available online and through Google Play and the Apple Store. While Navigate Student is used to book counseling appointments, there are many more features to help students succeed in their academic journey. For more information and tips, visit the Mt. SAC Navigate website.

Download Navigate

Book a Counseling Appointment

You can book an appointment with an F-1 student academic counselor using the Navigate Student app or by visiting or contacting the International Student Center. The International Student Program has two counselors available:

Book an Appointment with Allen

Book an Appointment with Stephanie

*Note: Schedules and availability are subject to change based on campus closure or expected and unexpected absences.