Electronics & Computer Technology
Planning your Class Schedule (CNET Certificate)
If you'd like help planning which courses to take for each semester while you're in the CNET program, you have come to the right place. Below is everything you'll need.
Semester | Classes Typically Offered |
Fall | ELEC50A/50B, ELEC56, ELEC11, CNET50, CNET52, CNET54 |
Winter | CNET64, CNET66, TECH60 |
Spring | ELEC50A/50B, ELEC56, ELEC11, TECH60, CNET50, CNET56, CNET58 |
Summer | CNET60, CNET62 |
What to consider in your schedule are the following:
- CNET50, ELEC50A, ELEC11 and TECH60 can be taken concurrently. None of these courses have material that is prerequisite to another
- It is recommended to take CNET52 after CNET50 but not essential
- Take CNET56 and CNET58 after CNET54
- Take ELEC50B after ELEC50A
- Take ELEC56 after ELEC50B
- See the 3 year tentative class schedule on the Electronics Website
NOTE:The following suggested schedules take all the above bullets into account. Other course sequence options exist, but the following route is suggested