Campus Language Tutoring
Mt. SAC has many tutoring resources available at no charge for registered students. New resources are constantly being developed, so make sure to check the College web pages for updates.
American Language (AMLA) Tutoring
AMLA Tutoring is for students in all American Language (credit ESL) classes. Tutors
are certificated teachers of English as a Second Language.
(909) 274-3432
Language Learning Center (LLC)
The LLC offers a wide variety of language learning materials for independent study,
such as software, videos, recording equipment and other resources supplementing in-class
textbooks and instruction.
Materials are available for AMLA, Arabic, Chinese, ESL, French, German, Italian, Japanese,
Sign Language, and Spanish.
Academic Support and Achievement Center (LAC) Tutorial Services
The ASAC Tutoring provides one-on-one and group tutoring in multiple subjects, including
math, writing, languages, science, and business. Students can drop in or make an appointment
to see a tutor.
Tutorial Services also offers online tutoring in math and science courses.
The Writing Center
The Writing Center offers individual tutoring and group workshops that will improve
your writing skills and help you with your assignments. The Writing Center’s computer
lab features online software and Directed Learning Activities to help students develop
their grammar and writing skills. Students can also write their papers and prepare
presentations using the software in the lab.
Bldg 26B-1561A (Behind the Wall Clock)
(909) 274-5325
Online tutoring: