
Become a Tax Preparer

    • What courses do I need to take? 

      Accounting - Tax Preparation (Skills Certificate E0433)

      Business Division
      Certificate E0433

      This certificate is designed for individuals desiring to enter the tax preparation field with a minimum of 3 course requirements. Upon successful completion of this certificate, students will possess the knowledge and practical experience necessary to prepare individual income taxes effectively. Additionally, students will earn the qualifying education required by the California Tax Education Council to become a California Registered Tax Preparer.

      Required Courses 

      Course Prefix Course Name Units
      BUSA 58 Federal Income Tax Law 4
      BUSA 59 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance I 1
      BUSA 60 Volunteer Income Tax Assistance II 1
      Total Units 6

      You can view a full list of our awards at our Accounting Program website.

    • Who can I contact to learn more? 

      To learn more, please contact our Site Coordinators:

      Name Email
      Steven Valdes
      Erika Bowers