
Employee Behavior Intervention Team

The Employee Behavior Intervention Team (eBIT) is dedicated to taking a proactive approach to workplace safety in an effort to prevent dangerous incidents before they occur.


Be aware. Show you care.

If a person is an immediate threat to you or someone else or themselves, call 9-1-1 or Mt. SAC Police & Campus Safety at (909) 274-4555.
Concerns that are not emergencies may be reported using the button below.

    • About the Employee Behavioral Intervention Team (eBIT)

      The safety of employees, students, and visitors is a top priority for Mt. SAC. Violence or threats of harm conflict with our campus values and may violate the law. eBIT was established to evaluate and address concerns about violence, and potential violence, at Mt. SAC. eBIT's goal is to increase the security of our campus and facilities by identifying potential threats to the safety of our community and taking steps to mitigate those threats.

    • Who We Are

      eBIT is a multidisciplinary team consisting of representatives from the Employee Counseling Center, Police & Campus Safety, Risk Management, and Human Resources. Anyone may refer matters to eBIT if they have concerns that someone they know may be at risk of harming themselves or others, or if they they are concerned that someone poses a significant disruption to the campus environment. Behavior does not need to be illegal to be of concern. 

    • What is Workplace Violence?

      Workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs in the workplace. It may range from threats and verbal abuse to physical assault and even homicide. 

      • Disruptive Behavior is conduct that prevents normal campus activities or workplace functions, and may act as "warning signs" to possible violence, including but not limited to verbal outbursts, excessive displays of anger, vandalizing property, or any behavior that instills reasonable fear or generates sufficient evidence for concern that a person might act out violently.
      • Threat is any physical, written or verbal conduct, whether direct, indirect or conditional, that conveys the intent or is reasonably perceived to convey the intent to cause physical harm or to place someone in fear of his or her safety or the safety of others. 
      • Violent Behavior involves physically aggressive acts against a person or a physical action intended to damage property. 
    • When should I make a report to eBIT?

      If someone you know is...

      • Disruptive and/or has disturbing behavior.
      • Making dramatic changes in appearance, behavior, and/or weight.
      • Having problems at home, classes and/or work.
      • Making disturbing comments in conversation, email, letters, social media postings and/or papers.
      • Sad, anxious, and/or experiencing dramatic mood shifts.
      • Abusing alcohol and/or drugs.
      • Isolating themselves socially.
      • Acting paranoid and/or suspicious.
      • Frequently angry and/or easily frustrated.
    •  Mt. SAC Resources


      Mt. SAC Police & Campus Safety
      (909) 274-4555 - Building 23

      Safety & Risk Management
      (909) 274-4230 - Building 4

      Title IX/Sexual Harassment
      (909) 274-5249 - Building 4


      Employee Counseling Center
      (909) 274-6211- Building 7

      Leaves & ADA Accommodations
      (909) 274-4110- Building 4

      Employee Benefits
      (909) 274-6211- Building 4


      Student Health Center
      (909) 274-4400 - Building 9E & 67B


 Anonymous Reporting

 Anonymously report non-emergency concerning behavior to eBIT online or with a phone call: (866) 367-7970