Graphic Design is Art with a Purpose
Suppose you want to announce or sell something, amuse or persuade someone, explaining
complicated system or demonstrated a process. In other words you have a message you
want to communicate. You could tell people one by one or broadcast by radio or loudspeaker
but that is verbal communication. If you use any visual medium at all, if you make
a poster, create a logo, magazine ad, an album cover, make a website, or even a smart-phone
app, you are using a form of visual communication called graphic design.
Graphic designers work with type and drawn, painted, photographed, or computer generated
images. Designers create, select, and organize these elements forming a visual language,
to effectively convey a message to an audience. Graphic design is part of your daily
life from humble things like gum wrappers and digital buttons to huge things like
ad campaigns and brand identity. Graphic design can persuade, inform, identify, motivate,
and brand. Graphic design is a creative process that combines art and technology to
communicate a message from a client to an audience. Graphic design is an exciting
and rewarding career.