The group photo was taken at a previous Young Professional Engineers Forum.

Young Professional Engineers Forum

Student attendees in a previously held Young Professional Engineers Forum. Professor Martin Mason is in the background.

Robotics Team winning excellence award at CSUN VEX U tournament.

Robotics Team @ CSUN 2018

A group photo of all members of the Mt. SAC Robotics Team who participated in the CSUN VEX U tournament in 2019.

Rocket Team's dual-stage KNSB M-class motor rocket traveled 10k feet.

Rocket Team Members@ Friends Of Amateur Launch Site

The Rocket Team standing in front of their dual-stage experimental KNSB M-class motor rocket for the 2019 FAR competition.

Engineering, Engineering Technology, & Surveying Program

The Engineering Program offers a complete two-year transfer program in Engineering; with courses in Statics, Dynamics, Electrical Engineering, Programming, Engineering Graphics, Surveying and Materials. 

In Fall 2021, we plan on offering 12 certificates and 5 associate degrees in Engineering Technology that are designed to help current students enter the job market while enrolled in school.  Our nationally recognized robotics and rocket teams are a co-curricular component of our engineering program in which students have the opportunity to put their coursework into practice.  Our Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers student chapter, Society of Women Engineers student chapter and undergraduate engineering research projects all provide opportunities for students to network, engage professionals and participate in research.  We have a close partnership and shared border with Cal Poly Pomona and are located in the heart of the culturally diverse San Gabriel Valley.


Academic Resources
Counselor with student
About Us
The faculty of the Engineering program are seasoned industry professionals who are here every step of the way to help you achieve your goals. Meet the team of the Engineering Program!
A group of friends gather in front of building 6
Engineering Pathways
Explore the Engineering & Engineering Technology Pathways. These pathways provide students a clear, streamlined outline of the required courses help support students decisions in choosing the right program for them.
A photo of a study group in the library
Transfer Help
The engineering department has compiled a list of common transfer schools from CSU's, US's, and privates. Below you will find lists of available STEM and engineering programs offered by each university. Additionally, you will find links to the college of engineering that corresponds to each school. Feel free to use the information presented to help create your transfer plan.

News & Updates

Undergraduate Research Opportunity - STARS Program

The STARS program aims to expose students to undergraduate research early through support services and mentoring. Open for students from Mt. SAC, Cal Poly Pomona, and Citrus College.

  • Research and career development workshops, faculty mentoring, peer mentoring, and a community. 
  • Research stipend of $1,000 per semester during the academic year and $4,000 for the 8-week summer research program. 
  • Opportunity to present and publish the student’s research publicly through Cal Poly Pomona’s Bronco Scholar and Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities Conference.  
  • Supplies funding for the research project up to $1,200.

Application Closes on January 10th, 2022 for Spring 2022 recruitment.


  • ENGR1C Course Advertisement for fall2021

  • ENGR285 Course Advertisement for Spring 2022

  • STARS Summer Research Program

Program Highlights



Our Staff

  • Maria Vaughn
  • Eugene Mahmoud
  • Sarah Nichols
Engineering, Engineering Technology, & Surveying Program

8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Building 7 & 11
(909) 274-4421