Assigning responsibilities during an evacuation is important. Timely and responsible evacuation often becomes the responsibility of a few key individuals.
The administrator in charge shall be responsible for the supervision of the evacuation of all facilities under his/her jurisdiction. The faculty, under the supervision of the appropriate administrators, shall be responsible for the orderly evacuation of students.
For evening classes, the same procedures as outlined in these policies will be followed with the exception that the evening administrator on duty will be the administrator in charge. In the event of an actual emergency during evening hours, the following personnel shall be notified; President/CEO, Vice Presidents, and members of the Board of Trustees.
In the event of an emergency when the college is not in session, any employee learning of the emergency should notify the President/CEO, or other administrators, who will communicate with the Board President and determine subsequent action to be taken.
Under emergency conditions, students may be dismissed from the campus at their own request and be subject to the assumption of full responsibility of their own personal safety. The authority of this decision shall be vested in the administrator in charge at the time of the emergency.
Building Managers: Assist in the planning, training, equipping, recruiting, and effective response of the Building Marshal(s). The Building Manager may also facilitate communication between the Building Marshal(s) and the campus Incident Commander or Incident Command Post.
Building Marshals: Facilitate the safe evacuation of campus buildings and assist emergency responders. When an evacuation is necessary, the Building Marshals are responsible for:
- Designating Emergency Assembly Areas where employees and students will gather after evacuating.
- Assisting in the safe and complete evacuation of a building.
- Identifying the names and last known locations of anyone not accounted for and passing the information to their designated Building Manager and/or the Incident Commander.
- Assisting the Department of Police and Campus Safety in preventing re-entry by non-emergency responders until the building has been deemed safe, and reporting injured or trapped persons to emergency responders (the Department of Police and Campus Safety, 9-1-1 personnel, Health Services, and the Incident Commander).
Floor Captains: Responsible for checking classrooms, offices, bathrooms, and other spaces before being the last person to exit an area. They are also tasked with ensuring that the fire doors are closed when exiting. Floor Captains provide status updates to their designated Building Marshal(s).
Critical Operations Officers are responsible for ensuring that certain equipment and processes are shut down. In some instances it will not be possible to accomplish this goal; in such instances, safety of personnel is critical. Each Building Manager must review their operation and determine whether total and immediate evacuation is necessary for the specific type of emergency at hand.
All employees remaining behind must abandon the operation or task and evacuate when they perceive that their lives are in danger.