
Emergency Response

Mt. San Antonio College the Department of Police and Campus Safety Officers, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department or the Los Angeles County Fire Department are first responders to critical incidents on campus.

These agencies respond and work together to manage a critical incident. Depending on the nature and severity of an incident, the college Emergency Response Plan can be activated. When an immediate threat to the college campus is confirmed, an immediate emergency alert notification will be given to students and staff on campus.

During times of emergency, it shall be the desire of the college to cooperate in every way possible with Civil Defense authorities, American National Red Cross authorities, law enforcement agencies, and other governmental agencies concerned. In all emergency situations, close liaison will be maintained with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s station in Walnut.

If an emergency situation is of such magnitude that it warrants additional planning or logistical support, Mt. SAC will activate its Incident Command Post (ICP) and Emergency Operations Center (EOC). The Incident Commander will manage Mt. SAC support of the incident command system and campus emergency response efforts. If warranted, Mt. SAC the Department of Police and Campus Safety or the EOC will request assistance from the City of Walnut or Los Angeles County emergency response resources.

Mt. SAC publicizes the Annual Security Report and the Campus Emergency Response & Evacuation Plan in compliance with the Clery Act. This information can be accessed on the the Department of Police and Campus Safety website.