“Teaching in Sevilla, Spain during the spring, 2019 was by far the highlight of my career. I was able to explore material I would not normally use in my classes back home. My favorite part of the program was being able to use the city as my classroom. Every week, I would find new treasures in the city that I could use as part of my classroom. Some of the highlights were finding a statue of the protagonist of The Trickster of Seville. I took my students to see it, and we sat under the shadow cast by the bronze Don Juan Tenorio while we discussed all of his exploits throughout Sevilla. I also enjoyed the challenge of getting access for students to see the Gutenberg Bible housed in the archives of the University of Sevilla. It was no easy task, but it was life-changing as one of my students learned about a new career which he subsequently pursued upon transferring.
The fact that I was able to bring my family along and they were integrated into the program with such warmth was an added bonus. My son turned 12 years old when we were there, and he missed his friends back home a great deal. Within two weeks, I told him that he now had 50+ older brothers and sisters because the students completely embraced him and included him in all of the program activities. He even continued communicating with a few of them after we returned home. I worked harder than I ever have while teaching abroad, but it stretched me professionally and helped me realize how creative I could be and what I was really capable of doing as an instructor. In addition, it gave my family a shared adventure that we often recall with great fondness.”
Aaron Salinger World Languages Department Seville, Spain Lead Faculty 2020

“I had so much fun showing the students around Sevilla on our class field trips. I had a great time listening to their stories. I loved their questions and the conversations that resulted from them. The programs offered by AIFS were fantastic. The guides were incredibly knowledgeable and able to talk to the students and to the professors in ways that engaged both groups differently.
Teaching abroad was a great opportunity both professionally and personally. For faculty I really suggest being relaxed and staying open. The students are there to explore and you can lead by example. It is truly a wonderful and eye opening experience both for everyone involved.”