Driver Education
Motorcyclist Training 
California Motorcyclist Safety Program
Motorcyclist Training Course
The Motorcyclist Training Course (MTC) is a 16 hour Introduction to Motorcycling. The class involves 6-1/2 hours of in classroom studies covering topics such as the mental aspects of riding, the physical aspects of riding, cornering strategies and many other topics. There is also 9-1/2 hours of hands on motorcycle operation that will include aspects from getting familiar with the machine and controls through cornering, emergency braking, swerving and traffic interaction. The Motorcyclist Training Course (MTC) at Mt. San Antonio College is an approved California Motorcyclist Safety Program (CMSP) and training site authorized by Total Control Training, Inc and the California Highway Patrol (CHP).
To participate in this training a student must possess a valid driver's license, a DMV issued instruction permit,or a DMV issued identification card. The MTC is designed to accommodate all levels of experience from the true novice to practiced riders. It is expected that participants will be able to balance and ride a bicycle prior to attending this class. Students are also expected to read the on-line reference materials (a link will be sent to students upon registering for the class) prior to attending the first classroom session. Students are expected to wear proper attire for participation in this program, requirements will be included in the outline.
This course falls under the Communication, Critical Thinking and Personal and Social Institutional Level Outcomes.
Upon completion of this course, participants will:
- Have the basic mental skills and understanding to operate a motorcycle.
- Understand some of the Motorcycle riding dangers and some of the things they can do to mitigate those dangers.
- Have basic level demonstrable skills in relation to the operation of a motorcycle.
To take the course a student must hold a valid drivers license, instruction permit
or have successfully completed a driver education program. Participants are expected
to comply with all rules and regulations established by Total Control Training an0
Mt. San Antonio College. Students must attend and successfully complete all portions
of the course to receive a certificate. Students must be on time for all sessions and dressed in appropriate riding attire
for the range. Late arrivals and/or students who do not complete the training will
be dismissed from the course without a certificate or refund. Refunds must be requested at least three business days prior to the first class meeting
(A $12 processing fee is charged for each class refunded). No transfers are allowed. We make no guarantees, expressed or implied that you
will successfully complete this training. Classes are held rain or shine. NOTE: Range date and time are subject to change. Students will be notified on the first
day of class (lecture).
- You may register online or in-person in Building 40 - Room 101
- The scheduled dates and times for classes can be accessed on-line at or in person in Building 40, Room 101.
- Weekday class participants must park in the meters or pay-lot (parking enforcement
ALL STUDENTS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE: Parent or legal guardian must accompany student and sign waiver and indemnification forms at the first class meeting.
If a participant drops from the Motorcyclist Training Course due to an emergency or
other unforeseen event, such participant has up to sixty (60) days from the original registration date to return as a stand-by and complete the training. Anyone returning after that sixty day period will need to pay the full registration fee again.
The fees for the Basic Rider Course are as follows: Under the age of 21 is $395. Age
21 and over is $425.
On riding days you must have the following gear
- DOT helmet (full-face or three quarters)
- Eye protection (visor, goggles or glasses)
- Sturdy over-the-ankle boots (NO slip-on shoes or fashion boots)
- Sturdy full-fingered leather motorcycle gloves
- Long sleeved shirt or jacket
- Sturdy long pants (No holes or shredded jeans/pants) We provide helmets only.
You are required to provide the other five items yourself. To all motorcycle students: Please click on the link below and read the MTC Student Handbook before going to your first class session. It is really important that you read this before class:If a participant drops from the Motorcyclist Training Course due to an emergency or other unforeseen event, such participant has up to 60days from the original first day of class to return as a stand-by and complete the training. Anyone returning after the 60day period will need to pay the full registration fee again.
Lecture location: Mt. SAC Campus
Range location: Parking Lot R
For general information regarding the Motorcyclist Training Course, please call (909) 274-4220
Instructors: Ron Arroyo and Staff