
Tim Takashima

Tim Takashima

Professor: Mathematics

Building: 61-1652
(909) 274-6565

BS — General Mathematics, California State University Long Beach
MS — Pure Mathematics, California State University Long Beach

Tim Takashima

I received my Bachelors Degree in General Mathematics as well as my Masters Degree in Pure Mathematics at California State University Long Beach. I soon began working part-time at El Camino College, Cypress College, LA Harbor College, Cerritos College, Rio Hondo College and California State Long Beach. I was hired at Mt. SAC as a full-time professor in 2000. I have enjoyed the friendly and dedicated faculty as well as the student body. My father was a great influence in my life and in dedication to his memory I offer a memorial scholarship through the Mt SAC Foundation in his name.

Hello Mountie Math Students!

I am so excited that you have decided to take Elementary Statistics with Support ! Your success is important to me, so to help prepare you for the next part of your educational journey, I would like to share some information with you about my courses and classroom environments.

Click on one of my classes below to explore the structure and goals of each class.

    • Math 110 + Math 11 Fall 2023

      Online Class Search:
      ** This class will display a Building/Room number and a Meeting Time in the online class search, to indicate an in-person, on-campus class.

      Prerequisites: None

      Class Structure:
      This is a corequisite class, which means there is an extra 2 unit portion designed to give extra support in various aspects of the class. We will be using Canvas courses for both Math 110 and Math 11.
      My class will be conducted on-campus, in a traditional classroom setting. All exams will be in the form of on-Campus traditional exams and Canvas quizzes.

      A physical or digital copy of the textbook , MATH 110/110H: Elementary Statistics, 14th Ed., by Triola, is required. Homework assignments will be in the form of computer projects, worksheets, textbook problems, and online Canvas quizzes. Homework assignments will generally be due on exam days.

      Required Materials:

      Reliable Internet Connection (Strongly Recommended)

      Writing Utensils

      Paper (Printer or Lined)

      Scientific Calculator

      Desktop/Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (Strongly Recommended)

      Helpful Foundational Skills:
      Evaluating Expressions
      Order of Operations
      Solving Linear Equations
      Plotting Ordered Pairs
      Operations with Fractions

Please make sure to log in to your Canvas courses daily to keep up with all announcements, materials, and due dates. Canvas can be accessed through your Mt. SAC portal or at

My office hours will be held on-campus Monday through Thursday. You are welcome to contact me for appointment availability. I look forward to working with everyone, and please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

The Math and Computer Science Department is committed to helping our students achieve their math educational goals. We want you to succeed and excel in transfer-level mathematics. We recognize your potential and are here to support you! Whether you are here to obtain a degree, complete transfer requirements, or simply expand your knowledge, we will strive to provide resources that you may need along your journey. Explore the resources below for more information on how our campus can help you achieve your educational goals.

** This information is subject to change, before the start of the term. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Current Class Schedule:
Name Course ID Title CRN Units Days Start Date End Date Start Time End Time Building / Room
Name Course ID Title CRN Units Days Start Date End Date Start Time End Time Building / Room
Takashima, Timothy MATH 110 Elementary Statistics 20552 3 MW 08/26/2024 12/15/2024 08:00AM 09:25AM 61 2310
Takashima, Timothy MATH 110 Elementary Statistics 20563 3 TR 08/26/2024 12/15/2024 08:00AM 09:25AM 61 2310
Takashima, Timothy MATH 110 Elementary Statistics 20573 3 MW 08/26/2024 12/15/2024 11:30AM 12:55PM 61 2310
Takashima, Timothy MATH 110 Elementary Statistics 20575 3 TR 08/26/2024 12/15/2024 11:30AM 12:55PM 61 2310
Takashima, Timothy MATH 11 Support Topics for Statistics 20630 2 TR 08/26/2024 12/08/2024 09:35AM 10:40AM 61 2310
Takashima, Timothy MATH 11 Support Topics for Statistics 20636 2 MW 08/26/2024 12/08/2024 01:05PM 02:10PM 61 2310