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Deborah Rivers

Professor: Mathematics

Building: 61-1624
(909) 274-4729

BSCalifornia State Polytechnic University, Pomona
MA — California State University, Fullerton

Deborah Rivers

After completing my general education course work at Mt. SAC, I transferred to Cal Poly Pomona where I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics in 1987.  I went on to earn a Master’s Degree in Mathematics from Cal State Fullerton in 1992.

I began my career by teaching part-time at Cal Poly Pomona and Mt. SAC from 1987-1992.  In 1992, I was hired as a full-time professor at Mt. SAC.  While working on my undergraduate degree, I was a grader, a tutor, and math secretary at Cal Poly.  My first experience teaching math was in the 1987 Summer Bridge Program at Cal Poly where I taught an all-female class of first-generation college students.  From there, I went on to become a Teaching Assistant and adjunct professor.   I have always enjoyed math and am so glad I chose this career.  I look forward to meeting a new group of students each semester who all come to class with their unique backgrounds.  To watch students mature mathematically from where they start the course to where they finish is incredibly rewarding.

I was the Department Chair of the Mathematics and Computer Science Department from 1997-2008, but my love for teaching has taken me back into the classroom.

I am so excited that you have decided to take Survey of College Mathematics with Support ! Your success is important to me, so to help prepare you for the next part of your educational journey, I would like to share some information with you about my courses and classroom environments.

Click on one of my classes below to explore the structure and goals of each class.

      • Math 100 + Math 10A Fall 2024

        Online Class Search:
        ** This class will display a Building/Room number and a Meeting Time in the online class search, to indicate an in-person, on-campus class.

        Prerequisites: None

        Class Structure:
        This is a corequisite class, which means there is an extra 2 unit portion designed to give extra support in various aspects of the class. We will only be using Canvas for Math 100.
        My class will be conducted on-campus, in a traditional classroom setting. All exams will be in the form of on-Campus traditional exams.

        A physical or digital copy of the textbook , MATH 100: Mathematical Ideas, 15th Ed., by Miller, is required. Access to MyMathLab is required, and will come with digital access to the ebook. Homework assignments will be in the form of worksheets, online homework, textbook problems, and take-home quizzes (not proctored / timed). Homework assignments will generally be due on Mondays and Fridays.

        Required Materials:

        Reliable Internet Connection (Strongly Recommended)

        Writing Utensils

        Paper (Printer or Lined)

        Webcam (Strongly Recommended)

        MyMathLab Access

        Scientific Calculator


        Built-in or External Microphone (Strongly Recommended)

        Helpful Foundational Skills:

        Equations of Lines
        Solving Linear Equations
        Properties of Quadratic Equations

      • Math 100 + Math 10A Fall 2024 (Online)

        Online Class Search:
        ** This class will display as "Online" with a Meeting Time in the online class search, to indicate a fully online class with regularly scheduled class meetings via Zoom.

        Prerequisites: None

        Class Structure:
        This is a corequisite class, which means there is an extra 2 unit portion designed to give extra support in various aspects of the class. We will only be using Canvas for Math 100.
        My class is synchronous, which means we will meet on Zoom on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A working webcam is required, and you are expected to participate via Zoom chat, speaking, and breakout rooms. Lecture recordings will not be posted. Blank lecture notes will be posted. All exams will be in the form of PDF uploads, and will be conducted during class time.

        A physical or digital copy of the textbook , MATH 100: Mathematical Ideas, 15th Ed., by Miller, is required. Access to MyMathLab is required, and will come with digital access to the ebook. Homework assignments will be in the form of worksheets, online homework, textbook problems, and take-home quizzes (not proctored / timed). Homework assignments will generally be due on Mondays and Fridays.

        Required Materials:

        Reliable Internet Connection

        Writing Utensils

        Printer (Strongly Recommended)

        Paper (Printer or Lined)


        MyMathLab Access

        Scientific Calculator


        Built-in or External Microphone

        Scanner or Free Scanning App

        Helpful Foundational Skills:

        Equations of Lines
        Solving Linear Equations
        Properties of Quadratic Equations

Please make sure to log in to your Canvas courses daily to keep up with all announcements, materials, and due dates. Canvas can be accessed through your Mt. SAC portal or at

My office hours will be held on-campus and via Zoom sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. I look forward to being your instructor this semester. My online synchronous class will feel very similar to an on campus class. This class will meet live on zoom during the times you register for. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me.

The Math and Computer Science Department is committed to helping our students achieve their math educational goals. We want you to succeed and excel in transfer-level mathematics. We recognize your potential and are here to support you! Whether you are here to obtain a degree, complete transfer requirements, or simply expand your knowledge, we will strive to provide resources that you may need along your journey. Explore the resources below for more information on how our campus can help you achieve your educational goals.

** This information is subject to change, before the start of the term. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Current Class Schedule:
Name Course ID Title CRN Units Days Start Date End Date Start Time End Time Building / Room
Name Course ID Title CRN Units Days Start Date End Date Start Time End Time Building / Room
Rivers, Deborah MATH 100 Survey of College Mathematics 20470 3 TR 08/26/2024 12/15/2024 04:45PM 06:10PM ONLINE SYNCH
Rivers, Deborah MATH 10A Support for Survey of Math 20483 2 TR 08/26/2024 12/08/2024 06:20PM 07:25PM ONLINE SYNCH