
Dominick Atanasio

Dominick Atanasio

Professor-Computer Science

Building: 61-1636
(909) 274-4648

BS - Computer Science, Cal Poly Pomona

MS - Computer Science, Cal Poly Pomona


Dominick Atanasio

Hello.  My name is Dominick Atanasio and I am a professor in the Mathematics and Computer Science Department.  I started working full time in the computer industry in the mid-1990s as a consultant for a New Jersey consulting firm. While working there I earned my Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer certification for NTv4 and Windows 2000. In 2004 I was hired as the Director of IT for a publishing company. I worked there for 17 years until accepting my position at Mt. SAC as Professor of Computer Science. I earned my Associate degree in Computer Science at Los Angeles City College. I then transferred to Cal Poly Pomona where I earned Bachelor's degree, then Master's degree in Computer Science. The focus of my Master's work was Robotics. I had planned for years to transition to full-time teaching. I had experienced the satisfaction that comes from teaching as far back as my consulting job. In 2010 I purposed to make it my profession. I began teaching part-time at Cal Poly in 2016 as an adjunct professor. My personal interests are hiking/orienteering, reading, movies, and learning. In my past jobs I have not had much time for any of these except learning, however, these activities are my first choices when time allows.

I am so excited that you have decided to take Java Language and Object Oriented Programming or Data Structures and Algorithms ! Your success is important to me, so to help prepare you for the next part of your educational journey, I would like to share some information with you about my courses and classroom environments.

Click on one of my classes below to explore the structure and goals of each class.

      • CSCI 145 Fall 2024

        Online Class Search:
        ** This class will display a Building/Room number and a Meeting Time in the online class search, to indicate an in-person, on-campus class.

        Prerequisites: CSCI 110

        Class Structure:
        My class will be conducted on-campus, in a traditional classroom setting. All exams will be in the form of on-Campus traditional exams.

        Access to the textbook , CSCI 145: Java Software Solutions - Foundations of Program Design, 10th Ed., by Lewis, Loftus, is strongly recommended. Access to Visual Studio Code (Free) and OpenJDK is required. Homework assignments will be in the form of computer projects and textbook problems, and will generally be due on Sundays.

        Required Materials:

        Reliable Internet Connection

        Writing Utensils

        Paper (Printer or Lined)

        Visual Studio Code (Free) Access

        OpenJDK (Free) Access

        Calculator (Strongly Recommended)

        Desktop/Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (Strongly Recommended)

      • CSCI 240 Fall 2024

        Online Class Search:
        ** This class will display a Building/Room number and a Meeting Time in the online class search, to indicate an in-person, on-campus class.

        Prerequisites: CSCI 140 or CSCI 145

        Class Structure:
        My class will be conducted on-campus, in a traditional classroom setting. All exams will be in the form of on-Campus traditional exams.

        We will be using a zero-cost textbook for this class! Access to the textbook , CSCI 240: Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, 2nd Ed., by Goodrich, is strongly recommended. Access to Visual Studio Code (Free) and MinGW64 is required. Homework assignments will be in the form of computer projects, online homework, and textbook problems, and will generally be due on Sundays.

        Required Materials:

        Reliable Internet Connection

        Writing Utensils

        Paper (Strongly Recommended)

        Visual Studio Code (Free) Access

        MinGW64 (Free) Access

        Calculator (Strongly Recommended)

        Desktop/Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone (Strongly Recommended)

Please make sure to log in to your Canvas courses daily to keep up with all announcements, materials, and due dates. Canvas can be accessed through your Mt. SAC portal or at

My office hours are TBD via TBD. I look forward to working with everyone, and please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

The Math and Computer Science Department is committed to helping our students achieve their math educational goals. We want you to succeed and excel in transfer-level mathematics. We recognize your potential and are here to support you! Whether you are here to obtain a degree, complete transfer requirements, or simply expand your knowledge, we will strive to provide resources that you may need along your journey. Explore the resources below for more information on how our campus can help you achieve your educational goals.

** This information is subject to change, before the start of the term. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Current Class Schedule:
Name Course ID Title CRN Units Days Start Date End Date Start Time End Time Building / Room
Name Course ID Title CRN Units Days Start Date End Date Start Time End Time Building / Room
Atanasio, Dominick CSCI 145 Java Programming 20970 4 MW 08/26/2024 12/15/2024 09:20AM 10:45AM 61 3311
Atanasio, Dominick CSCI 145 Java Programming 20970 4 MW 08/26/2024 12/15/2024 10:55AM 12:20PM 61 3311
Atanasio, Dominick CSCI 145 Java Programming 20972 4 MW 08/26/2024 12/15/2024 01:30PM 02:55PM 61 3311
Atanasio, Dominick CSCI 145 Java Programming 20972 4 MW 08/26/2024 12/15/2024 03:05PM 04:30PM 61 3311
Atanasio, Dominick CSCI 240 Data Structures and Algorithms 20978 5 TR 08/26/2024 12/15/2024 09:25AM 11:30AM 61 3311
Atanasio, Dominick CSCI 240 Data Structures and Algorithms 20978 5 TR 08/26/2024 12/15/2024 11:40AM 01:05PM 61 3311
Atanasio, Dominick CSCI 140 C++ Language & Objects Develop 24022 4 TR 08/26/2024 12/15/2024 02:15PM 03:40PM 61 3311
Atanasio, Dominick CSCI 140 C++ Language & Objects Develop 24022 4 TR 08/26/2024 12/15/2024 03:50PM 05:15PM 61 3311