

    • What is the MARCS?
      • The Math Activities Resource Centers & Support (MARCS) is a free tutoring center for Mt SAC students.  The MARCS offers free math tutoring, study space, computers, calculators, textbooks, and other resources to support you in your math course.  
    • How do I register for the MARCS?
      • Directions to register can be found on our Registration Page
      • By registering for the MARCS you are enrolling in a noncredit community education course. This will appear on your class schedule but does not affect your GPA or show up on your transcript.  There is no cost to enroll in the lab or use the lab's services. 
    • How do I use the MARCS once I am registered?
      • Visit the MARCS location anytime during operating hours
      • Check in at the front reception counter
      • Find a seat anywhere in the lab (including the computer lab) and begin working
      • If you need help from a tutor, write your name and course on the whiteboard at the front of the room (for example: Jane Doe Math 110). The next available tutor will come to help you.
    • What resources does the MARCS offer?
      • Calculators: Calculators are available for check out from the front counter.  Calculators may be taken to class; however, they may not be taken home (please see our Resources Page for information about calculator apps that may be helpful at home).  The MARCS currently has 4 types of calculators available to borrow:  
        • TI-84 Plus (graphing)
        • TI-30XIIS (scientific)
        • TI30XS (multi-view)
        • Basic calculator (4-function)
      • Comptuers: The MARCS has computers with various software packages for math and statistics computation.  All computers are Zoom-ready and may be used to attend online office hours, an online course, or other school related virtual appointments.  You may receive tutoring in the computer lab.
      • Books: Textbooks and solution manuals are available to borrow from the front counter.  Textbooks may not be taken home, but may be used in the lab for as long as you like.
      • Worksheets: Review worksheets on many topics are available
    • How can I contact the MARCS?