Academic Senate Zoom Conference Photos

Working for our students through Zoom

Academic Senate Members at Senate Meeting in Founders Hall, 2017.
Academic Senate Members at Senate Meeting in Founders Hall, 2017.
Academic Senate Members at Senate Meeting in Founders Hall, 2017.

Education and Technology Committee

(Academic Senate Committee—Reports to Student Preparation, Equity, and Achievement Council)


The Education Technology Committee (ETC) serves as a standing committee of the Student Preparation, Equity, and Achievement Council (SPEAC). The purpose of the ETC is to review and recommend practices related to the use of emerging educational technologies including, but not limited to artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and the unauthorized distribution of course materials on for-profit websites. As an Academic Senate committee, the ETC is committed to upholding the ethical use of emerging technologies as they interact with priorities related to the 10+1 including curriculum, strategies for student success, grading policies, and policies for faculty professional development activities.


  1. Research, review, develop, and recommend to SPEAC and the Academic Senate policies and procedures related to the committee’s purpose.
  1. Analyze and synthesize data and information to develop recommendations on policies to the campus decision-making process related to student conduct issues that may arise from ethical concerns surrounding the use of emerging technologies.
  1. Recommend best practices for faculty use of emerging technologies as a tool to deliver curriculum and course content.
  1. Review and recommend professional development strategies, including skills training, and opportunities related to faculty use of emerging technologies in the classroom.
  1. Review the improper dissemination of course materials, lecture notes, quizzes, exams, and other copyrighted course materials on websites such as CourseHero and Recommend updates to campus policies regarding academic dishonesty and academic integrity as they pertain to these practices. Advise SPEAC and the Academic Senate on best practices to help curb the unauthorized dissemination of materials on said websites.


  • Education and Technology Committee Support:  Monica Jones
  • Committee website maintained by: Monica Jones -, 909-274-6230

The Education and Technology Committee meets every 4th Mondays of each month from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. via Zoom.