Academic Senate Zoom Conference Photos

Working for our students through Zoom

Academic Senate Members at Senate Meeting in Founders Hall, 2017.
Academic Senate Members at Senate Meeting in Founders Hall, 2017.
Academic Senate Members at Senate Meeting in Founders Hall, 2017.

Academic Senate Awards Committee

(The Academic Senate Awards Committee oversees awards and recognitions for the Academic Senate.)

Purpose & Function

The purpose of the Academic Senate Awards Committee is to identify and recognize exemplary individuals and programs with awards at the state and local levels. The Function of the Committee is:

  1. Determine administrative processes for Academic Senate awards.
  2. Select and award the following awards:
    • Academic Senate Outstanding Awards:  Outstanding Full Time Faculty, Outstanding Part Time Faculty, Outstanding Classified, and Outstanding Manager
      • Determine Criteria (Fall)
      • Accept and review nominations (Spring)
      • Select recipients (Spring)
    • Academic Senate 10+1 Awards
      • Identify and recognize recipients
    • ASCCC Exemplary Program Award (Fall)
      • Accept and review nominations
      • Select the Mt. SAC nominee
    • Other awards as identified by the Mt. SAC Academic Senate
  3. Propose other faculty excellence awards.

2023 Winners

  • Faculty: Cecelia Thay, Child Development and Education
  • Adjunct Faculty: Cameron Deen, Kinesiology
  • Classified:  <Award not given>
  • Manager: <Award not given>