

Title - Job Description Overview

Fashion Designer

Design clothing and accessories. Create original designs or adapt fashion trends.

Our Fashion Design and Technologies program is designed to enable students to evolve successfully as creative apparel designers that have hands-on experience in constructing garments.

  • Title - Related Careers

    • Apparel and Textile Manufacture
    • Costume Design
    • Fashion and Fabric Consultant
    • Fashion/Apparel Design
    • Textile Science
    • Fabric and Apparel Patternmakers


  • Title - Typical Job Duties

    • Direct and coordinate workers involved in drawing and cutting patterns and constructing samples or finished garments.
    • Examine sample garments on and off models, modifying designs to achieve desired effects.
    • Sketch rough and detailed drawings of apparel or accessories, and write specifications such as color schemes, construction, material types, and accessory requirements.
    • Confer with sales and management executives or with clients to discuss design ideas.
    • Identify target markets for designs, looking at factors such as age, gender, and socioeconomic status.
    • Attend fashion shows and review garment magazines and manuals to gather information about fashion trends and consumer preferences.
    • Select materials and production techniques to be used for products.
    • Provide sample garments to agents and sales representatives, and arrange for showings of sample garments at sales meetings or fashion shows.
    • Adapt other designers' ideas for the mass market.
    • Purchase new or used clothing and accessory items as needed to complete designs.
    • Visit textile showrooms to keep up-to-date on the latest fabrics.
    • Collaborate with other designers to coordinate special products and designs.
    • Design custom clothing and accessories for individuals, retailers, or theatrical, television, or film productions.
    • Determine prices for styles.

Fashion Designer

According to a Career One Stop, the median wage for Fashion Designer in California is $66,300. The average hourly rate is $31.88. They project 1,100 new jobs annually through the years of 2012-2022.