Scheduling Appointments with a Career Specialist

Log on to Handshake in the Mt. SAC Portal to make an appointment with a Career Specialist.
If you haven't activated your Handshake account yet, you will need to do so in order to schedule an appointment.
How to Schedule an Appointment
A Career Specialist can help you with the following services:
The Career Services Specialist will provide input and suggestions to help revise or build your resume for your next application.
Cover Letter
The Career Services Specialist will provide input and suggestions to help you revise or build your cover letter for your next application.
Job Search
The Career Services Specialist will advise you on the best job search strategies.
Federal Work Study Job Search
Have you been awarded Federal Work Study? The Career Services Specialist will advise you on the Federal Work-Study job search process.
The Career Services Specialist will guide you on the basics of networking – building long-lasting, mutually beneficial professional relationships.
The Career Services Specialist will advise you on how to maximize your online presence by developing and refining your Handshake profile or showing you how to use Handshake tools such as messaging employers, attending employer events, connecting with students who work where you want to work, and more!
The Career Services Specialist will advise you on how to maximize your online presence by developing and refining your LinkedIn profile or showing you how to use LinkedIn tools such as job search, alumni connections, salary research, and more!
Interview Preparation
The Career Services Specialist will practice several interview questions with you and provide you with feedback to help you feel confident during your next interview.
Career Coaching
The Career Services Specialist will assist you with identifying and evaluating career interests and advise you on suggested next steps such as attending a Major Exploration Workshop, taking a counseling class and more!
CV or Advanced Resume
The Career Services Specialist will provide input and suggestions to help you revise your curriculum vitae (CV) or advanced resume for your next application.
Quick Question
This time is designated to assist you with any quick questions you have. This includes topics such as a quick follow-up after an appointment, a quick cover letter or resume review, navigating Handshake, interview prep, and more!
Wednesday Drop Ins
Mt. SAC Career Center invites students to drop in and visit the career center from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm.
Contact us
Have a question about our Mt. San Antonio College - Career Center?
Phone: (909) 274-4510
Location: Career Center, Student Services, Bldg. 9B-230 (Second Floor, West)