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Student Learning Outcomes

Discipline: Certificate: Accounting - Managerial - N0462
Course Name Course Number
Cost Accounting BUSA 21
  • I am able to accumulate data for special decisions and long- range planning
  • I am able to evaluate data for planning and controlling current operations
  • I am able to define cost concepts, terms, behaviors and evaluate relevant costs for decision making
Excel for Accounting BUSA 76
  • I am able to explain how Excel software should be used and applied by a company in its day to day business operations
  • I am able to solve managerial accounting problems with Excel software
  • I am able to create a chart using Excel software
Federal Income Tax Law BUSA 58
  • I am able to define accounting terms and concepts related to federal and state income tax
  • I am able to prepare federal income tax returns
  • I am able to calculate tax accounting problems
Intermediate Accounting BUSA 52
  • I am able to Interpret the statements and reports that emerge from the accounting process.
  • I am able to Explain valuation of the acquisition and disposition of property, plant, and equipment
  • I am able to Explain accounting for inventory valuation issues.
Principles of Accounting - Financial BUSA 7 (VOC)
  • I am able to describe the basic accounting system and how it is used to serve business needs
  • I am able to analyze and record transactions, using a journal and a ledger, of varying degrees of difficulty including adjusting, and closing entries
  • I am able to utilize accounting information including financial statements to perform financial statement analysis
Principles of Accounting - Managerial BUSA 8
  • I am able to explain the role of the managerial accountant and describe the uses of managerial accounting information
  • I am able to describe a job order cost accounting system and explain how manufacturing costs flow through the inventory accounts of the balance sheet and move onto the income statement.
  • I am able to distinguish between product and period costs and explain which of these costs are shown on the balance sheet and which costs are shown on the income statement