If you are interested in taking credit classes, you may take the English Writing Placement
(EWP). The EWP determines your credit English placement. If you complete Levels 4
to 6 or the VESL program and pass, you may progress into AMLA classes without taking
the EWP. If you are thinking about transferring to credit, it is a good idea to make
an appointment with the ESL Counselor!
Steps to take credit classes for those who are not currently enrolled in ESL Programs
1. Online Application - Complete an online Mt. SAC Application for Admission at www.mtsac.edu. After you apply, you will receive an email with account activation instructions
and a username to get you started.
2. Assessment Questionnaire - Schedule an appointment to take placement tests at the Assessment Center (9B), or call to make an appointment at (909) 274-4265.
3. Orientation (Bldg. 9B) - You will be introduced to college programs and services, and you will be advised
of your rights and responsibilities as a Mt. San Antonio College student. Online
orientation is available through the student portal (www.mtsac.edu/portal).
4. Counseling (Bldg. 9B) - Counselors will help you develop an educational plan and provide information on
resources that you can use in order to be successful in college.
5. Register Online - Go to the student portal (www.mtsac.edu/portal). Remember, before you can proceed, you must have already claimed your online student
account. Once logged in, you can view your assigned registration appointment date
and time.
6. Fees - Pay your fees online or at the Bursar's office (Bldg. 4) after you register.