
PDC (Professional Development Council) Conference Funding

Update 8/28/24-24: Classified and Management Travel Funding is Now Closed. Due to budget constraints, no funds remain for the FY 2024-25. Faculty travel and conference remains open for applications.

The Professional Development Council (PDC) accepts applications for conferences and workshops each academic year. Faculty, classified staff, confidential staff, and managers are eligible to apply (Short-Term Hourly and Professional Experts are not eligible to apply).

Conference and travel cannot be used for tuition and fees to enroll in an educational program or class. Please read the entire application for policies.

Application for funding does not guarantee approval.


Step 1: Complete

(New) Faculty Conference Funding Application

  • Funding is available for conferences only. Conference and travel cannot be used for tuition and fees to enroll in an educational program or class.
  • PDC reviews and votes on each individual application using the funding criteria, justification statements, and supporting documents. 
  • You will be required to verify that you have read the current Administrative Policy (AP) 7400 which covers the District's travel policies.
  • Please be prepared to share the following information: conference link, alignment to Mt. SAC Professional Development Plan, general conference information, manager name, and manager email.  Please be sure to get approval from your manager to attend the conference prior to applying for PDC Conference and Travel funding.
  • Submit your application for funding at least 3 weeks prior to the start of the conference. PDC cannot guarantee a review of your application otherwise and PDC Conference and Travel is not retroactive.
  • Reimbursement will not be granted for conferences that have already taken place.
  • Application for funding does not guarantee approval.
  • PDC will review your documents, make a decision, and contact you with application results.
  • If you are funded, you will use Chrome River to process your expense reimbursements.
  • Contact Fiscal Services to get assistance with a college travel agency who can help with your booking details.


Step 1: Complete the Conference Reimbursement & Share Out

This is the form you will use to report about your conference activities. Please be prepared to attach the two documents outlined below. These will be required in order for you to receive future conference funding.

  • Attendance Verification: Please include a document to verify your attendance at the conference. (Email of completion, certification, screen shot from conference workshops, etc.) Remember you cannot request Professional Growth Increments/Benefits for any activities/events supported with College funding.
  • Evidence of Dissemination: Please include a document verifying how you shared conference information with your Mt. SAC colleagues (email, meeting agenda, etc.)

Step 2: Complete your Chrome River Expense Reimbursement Request

 For questions regarding conference application and reimbursement please contact Maria Cardenas at