Letter from Mt. SAC’s President on Dream DACA Students

September 14, 2017 - 12:29 AM
As President of Mt. San Antonio College, I recommit our full support of our DACA and
Dream students in light of the recent decision of President Trump to rescind President
Obama’s Executive Order related to DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals).
Our DACA students have thoroughly proven themselves to be trustworthy and responsible
college students, capable of contributing to the economic and social well-being of
our country. As a college community, we pledge our support to uphold the privacy
and safety rights of our DACA and Dream students. Furthermore, we will continue to
ensure that our DACA and Dream students are fully supported through the provision
of services, sharing of legal information, and the implementation of college procedures
and practices that protect their rights to privacy and freedom from any forms of alienation,
fear or discrimination.
On behalf of the Dream Program and our Dream students, we thank each of you for your
continued support of the academic and career success of our students as they face
a great deal of uncertainty during these challenging times. In light of President
Trump’s recision of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), many of you have
inquired as to how you can support our Mt. SAC Dream students. Below is an opportunity
to assist students financially through the Mt. SAC Foundation.
Mt. San Antonio College Dream Program
Support DACA Students
Students who have qualified for DACA and have a renewal date through March 5, 2018 are required to renew their DACA status NOW by October 5, 2017 and must pay a processing fee to Homeland Security of $500. Time is of the essence to act! Our goal is to raise $20,000.
Sponsor A Mt. SAC Dream Student
Full sponsorship: Change the life of a DACA student by helping to pay in full the DACA renewal fee
of $500 through a contribution to the “Dream Program” through the Mt. SAC Foundation.
Partial Sponsorship: Impact the life of a DACA student by helping to pay half of the DACA renewal fee of
$250 through a contribution to the “Dream Program” through the Mt. SAC Foundation.
Contributor: Support Dream students by contributing any amount to the Dream Program. Employees
can even sign up for payroll deduction through the Mt. SAC Foundation.
T-Shirts: Show your support by purchasing and wearing a t-shirt that reads “SUPPORTING THE DREAM.”
Contributions begin at $20 payable through the Mt. SAC Foundation.
All contributions are tax deductible through the college’s Foundation Office.
Please be sure that your contribution goes directly to the Dream Program
To make your gift online through the Mt. SAC Foundation, please visit mtsac.edu/foundation:
1: Click on "Give Now" icon
2. Select desired amount of gift
3. Under designation select "Dream Program" from drop down menu
4. Complete the remaining required fields and submit
Employees may set-up a monthly recurring donation through Payroll Deduction. The form can be found at mtsac.edu/foundation. Click on the "We Are Mt. SAC" logo which will take you to the Faculty Staff Giving Campaign page. Midway through the page there is a hyperlink to the Payroll Deduction (10-month) form to be submitted to the Foundation after completion.
Please join us for “Strengthening Our Commitment” on September 20 2017, 4:00 – 6:30 p.m., in building 13-1700. Learn about changes related to DACA from Shiu-Ming Cheer, Senior Staff Attorney, the National Immigration Law Center. For more information, contact the Dream Program at extension 5596. Thank you for your support!