What is a PLO?
APLO can focus on the development and improvement of the program itself, including
its resources, partnerships, and overall effectiveness in equiping students.
A Program Level Outcome (PLO) is a measurable outcome statement about what a student
will think, know, or be able to do upon completion of an instructional program.
PLOs are designed and developed by the stakeholders of the course, program, or institutional
unit; the assessment of PLOs within the instructional areas illuminate the competencies
students attain as a result of a program. PLOs must be measurable so that the difference
between the expected achievement and the actual achievement can be identified and
narrowed. While the content of an PLO is dependent on the substance of the program,
instructional unit, or institutional unit, five primary traits will always be present:
(1) Alignment, (2) Central, (3) Feasible, (4) Meaningful, and (5) Measurable.
Examples of PLOs include the following for the AA-T Degree in Theater:
- #1 - Creating a Character
Upon the successful completion of this program, the student will be able to use script
analysis and performance techniques to create a character in a live theater performance.
- #2 - Critiquing a Theater Production
Upon the successful completion of this program, the student will be able to analyze
and critique the various aspects of a theater production (acting, directing and design)
without making value judgments.
- #3 - Performing as a Theater Technician
Upon the successful completion of this program, the student will be able to perform
various tasks associated with the creation and implementation of the technical elements
(lights, sound, lighting, costumes, and makeup) of a live theater production.
- #4 - Working as a Collaborator
Upon the successful completion of this program, the student will understand the interactions
of the various theater disciplines and be able to usefully participate in the collaborative
environment of theater.
- #5 - Cultural and Historical Context
Upon successful completion of this program the student will be able to analyze and
critique elements of the production in their historical and cultural context.
Additional Resources
Students, Find Your SLOs