Institutional Level Outcomes (ILOs) represent the evolution of "GEOs Re-Imagined" founded on the idea that all of Mt.
SAC's employees contribute to the success of our students by empowering their educational
experiences with these core competencies.
Institutional Level Outcomes are statements about the knowledge, skills, abilities,
and attitudes that students are expected to develop as a result of their overall experiences
with any aspect of the college, including courses, programs, departments, and services.
All college personnel directly or indirectly impact the student experience including
faculty, administrators, and staff.
- ILO #1 Communication
Students effectively communicate with and respond to varied audiences in written,
spoken or signed, and artistic forms.
Communication crosses all disciplines and may include a variety of activities, such
- Comprehending, analyzing, and responding appropriately to oral, written, and visual
- Reading and understanding the content and purpose of written material.
- Speaking or signing to increase knowledge, foster understanding, or promote change.
- Developing and expressing ideas in writing with clarity and fluency.
- ILO #2 Critical Thinking
Students apply creative, computational, and analytical skills to identify and solve
problems, analyze information, synthesize and evaluate ideas, and transform existing
ideas into new forms.
Critical thinking crosses all disciplines and may include a variety of activities,
such as:
- Analyzing content, meaning, and purpose from a variety of texts or materials.
- Developing informed conclusions based upon the collection, examination, and synthesis
of evidence.
- Computing and analyzing multiple representations of quantitative information and/or
data, including graphical, formulaic, numerical, verbal, and visual.
- Designing, implementing, and evaluating strategies to answer questions or achieve
- ILO #3 Information and Technology Literacy
Students will use resources and technologies to locate, evaluate, synthesize, and
communicate information in various formats.
Information and Technology literacy crosses all disciplines and may include a variety
of activities, such as:
- Locating, evaluating and choosing credible textual and other sources for information.
- Interpreting the social, legal, and ethical uses of information.
- Researching data and drawing conclusions based on an analysis of that data.
- Using technologies to communicate, solve problems, and complete tasks.
- ILO #4 Personal, Social, Civic, and Environmental Responsibility
Students demonstrate awareness and respect for personal, social, civic, and environmental
Personal, social, civic, and environmental responsibility crosses all disciplines
and may include a variety of activities, such as:
- Setting, evaluating, and monitoring academic, career, financial, and personal goals.
- Interpreting and managing physical and mental health needs.
- Developing self-awareness in the areas of personal development, learning styles, and
decision-making strategies.
- Recognizing and respecting the beliefs, opinions, and values of other individuals
and cultures.
- Being informed about and participating in local, state, national, and global communities.
- Evaluating environmental conservation and sustainability.
Institutional Level Outcomes (ILOs) were presented to the campus during a Spring 2015 Flex Day Presentation. An abbreviated
version of this presentation is shared below.