General Education Outcomes
General Education Outcomes (GEOs) for Mt. SAC
GEOs are statements that define the knowledge, skills, and perspectives acquired by students who satisfy our general education requirements. It is through the formulation and assessment of GEOs that the Mt. SAC general education pattern will be assessed. GEOs have been determined and will be assessed by faculty who teach courses within Areas A – E of our general education pattern. On May 28, 2009, the Academic Senate approved GEOs for Mt. SAC. The GEOs and the Areas for which they apply are:
Area A, Communications:
- Students will be able to perform basic speech delivery skills.
- Students will be able to evaluate the reliability of information sources.
- Students will critically evaluate public speeches.
- Students will understand the need to adapt communication style to acknowledge the differences in others.
Area A, English:
- Students will be able to develop a thesis statement that advances a clear argument.
- Students will be able to use textual evidence for support of their thesis.
- Students will be able to evaluate the reliability of information from a variety of print and electronic sources.
Area B, The Physical Universe and Life:
- Students completing relevant assignments in Area B courses will evaluate the impact of science on their daily lives.
Area C, Arts:
- Students completing an assignment in Area C (Arts) courses will be able to analyze modes of artistic expression.
Area C, Humanities:
- Students completing an assignment in Humanities Area C will be able to identify the influence of culture on human expression.
Area D, U.S. History and American Institutions:
- Students will be able to differentiate among changes in the American constitutional government over time.
Area D, Social, Political, and Economic Institutions:
- Students completing relevant assignments in Area D2 courses will analyze the relationship between social, political, and/or economic institutions and human behavior.
Area E, Lifelong Understanding and Self-Development:
- Students completing an assignment in Area E courses will demonstrate meaningful self-evaluation related to increasing their lifelong personal well-being.