
Scholarship Committee

Purpose, Function & Membership

To oversee the long-term policies and procedures related to institutional scholarship programs and assist in the development and implementation of goals and objectives related to scholarship activities.
  • To review the policies and procedures of campus-based scholarship programs and examine compliance with applicable Federal and state laws (including but not limited to: Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.)
  • To maintain a fair and accurate selection process while screening and scoring applicants for Foundation specific scholarships, and awards included in the Mt. SAC Scholarship Program, according to established eligibility and selection criteria;
  • To make annual recommendations on the selection of scholarship recipients for awards offered by the Mt. SAC Foundation, and awards included in the Mt. SAC Scholarship Program; and
  • To advise on the programs and services provided by the Scholarship Program Office.
Membership*: (Varies annually)
  1. Financial Aid Office Representatives
       Director, Financial Aid, Scholarships & Veterans Services
       Financial Aid & Special Programs Manager, Committee Chair
       Student Services Program Specialist II – Scholarships, Assistant Chair
  1. Foundation Representatives (appointed by the Foundation)
       Executive Director, Foundation
       Director of Development and Alumni Relations, Foundation
       Foundation Representative (2)                          
  1. Faculty Representatives – Minimum of 30 (appointed by the Academic Senate)
  1. Student Services Representatives (appointed by Student Services as needed at the recommendation of the Chair)
  1. One Student Representative (appointed by Associated Students)
* The following members do not make recommendations on the selection of participants and do not participate in the screening and scoring of applicants: Financial Aid Director, Special Programs Manager, Student Services Program Specialist II, Executive Director of Foundation, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, Student Representative.  An Administrative Specialist from the Office of Financial Aid shall provide logistical support to the Committee but is not an acting member.