
Faculty Bio - Larry McDaniel Jr.

Bio Photo of Professor McDanielProfessor of Ethnic Studies | lmcdaniel6@mtsac.ed | (909) 274 - 7500
Professor McDaniel joined Mt. San Antonio College as the inaugural Ethnic Studies professor in fall 2021. He has taught Ethnic Studies courses at a variety of colleges, including the University of California, Berkeley and Los Angeles.
Professor McDaniel was born and raised in Oakland, CA, and credits his community with nurturing and developing him into the person he is today. He began his undergraduate career in community college. After persisting for eleven years, he transferred to UC Berkeley, where he earned a B.A. with Highest Honors. Shortly after, he attended the University of Pennsylvania and received his Masters in Higher Education, and is currently in the process of completing his Ph.D. at UCLA. His dissertation explores the experiences of Black community college transfer students who attend white serving institutions. In particular, his research focuses on their experiences at the intersection of community college transfer stigma and anti-Black racism. While higher education has been a huge part of Professor McDaniel’s life for the last decade, outside of the classroom he is an artist and collector at heart. From collecting sneakers, to playing the piano, painting, and shooting photography, he enjoys creative expression. Out of all the things that awaits Professor McDaniel in his role as a faculty member at Mt. SAC, he most looks forward to connecting with students on a holistic level, sharing his lived experiences, and supporting them as they not only continue to develop their academic idenities, but also as they continue to develop themselves into the people they see themselves becoming.

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