Commercial MusicView Catalog Details

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Commercial Music
View Catalog Details


Career Outlook Commercial Music

Arts Division
Degree S0876

A degree in Commercial Music prepares students for entry-level work in the commercial music industry. The program includes music and audio courses that cover the performance, creative, technical, and business concepts needed to succeed in the field of commercial music.  Students will learn to write, compose, and arrange modern commercial music; perform commercial music in live and recording settings; produce, record, and mix commercial music; collaborate effectively in commercial music settings; and integrate commercial music practices in a variety of musical and non-musical settings. This program is distinct from our Music program because it addresses modern, commercial music rather than traditional music genres.  It also relies on digital music technologies more than traditional instruments.  It differs from our Audio Arts program in that it is focused on the creation and production of music rather than the technical operation of audio equipment.  The Commercial Music degree provides a balance of performance, creative, and technical skills not found in these related programs on campus. Because the commercial music industry is highly competitive, job placement is not guaranteed.  However, the Los Angeles area is the center of the industry and graduates will be well-positioned for jobs and careers such as musical performer, music producer, music director, songwriter, sound designer, disc jockey, music scorer, copyist, and sound editor.  Enrollment is open to all interested students although previous experience with musical performance and music technology is recommended.

Required Courses

Industry StatisticsJob Titles & Salaries
Select a related job title below to view demand & salary information
    • Elementary School Teachers

      Elementary School Teachers

      SOC Career Code: 25-2021.00

      Teach academic and social skills to students at the elementary school level.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Middle School Teachers

      Middle School Teachers

      SOC Career Code: 25-2022.00

      Teach one or more subjects to students at the middle, intermediate, or junior high school level.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Secondary School Teachers

      Secondary School Teachers

      SOC Career Code: 25-2031.00

      Teach one or more subjects to students at the secondary school level.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Music Directors and Composers

      Music Directors and Composers

      SOC Career Code: 27-2041.00

      Conduct, direct, plan, and lead instrumental or vocal performances by musical artists or groups, such as orchestras, bands, choirs, and glee clubs; or create original works of music.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Musicians and Singers

      Musicians and Singers

      SOC Career Code: 27-2042.00

      Play one or more musical instruments or sing. May perform on stage, for broadcasting, or for sound or video recording.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Audio and Video Technicians

      Audio and Video Technicians

      SOC Career Code: 27-4011.00

      Set up, maintain, and dismantle audio and video equipment, such as microphones, sound speakers, connecting wires and cables, sound and mixing boards, video cameras, video monitors and servers, and related electronic equipment for live or recorded events, such as concerts, meetings, conventions, presentations, podcasts, news conferences, and sporting events.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Sound Engineering Technicians

      Sound Engineering Technicians

      SOC Career Code: 27-4014.00

      Assemble and operate equipment to record, synchronize, mix, edit, or reproduce sound, including music, voices, or sound effects, for theater, video, film, television, podcasts, sporting events, and other productions.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Music Therapists

      Music Therapists

      SOC Career Code: 29-1129.02

      Plan, organize, direct, or assess clinical and evidenced-based music therapy interventions to positively influence individuals' physical, psychological, cognitive, or behavioral status.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
    • Musical Instrument Repairers and Tuners

      Musical Instrument Repairers and Tuners

      SOC Career Code: 49-9063.00

      Repair percussion, stringed, reed, or wind instruments. May specialize in one area, such as piano tuning.

      Typical Hourly Salary

      The figure above is based off a percentile of 25 percent. 100 mile radus icon for career resultsAll job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Top Entry-Level Education
      Chart Legend
      • Doctoral Degree Or More
      • Master's Degree
      • Bachelor's Degree
      • Associate's Degree
      • Some College
      • Certificate
      • High School Diploma Or Less
      Median Salary Earnings
      Annual Job Openings

      Openings are regional vacancies due to growth and turnover in this career.All job data and figures based on a 100 mile radius from Mt. SAC

      Historical Wages
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Program Guided Pathways


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