
Suggestions for Faculty and Staff

  1. Clearly discuss class expectations for in-class behaviors. Review Mt. SAC’s Code of Conduct.
  2. Review accommodations with your student during office hours (rest breaks, note taker, audio recording, extended test time, etc.).
  3. Identify your students’ learning & communication preferences. Side (Private) meetings between professor and student.
  4. Engage your class via various learning styles, not all ASD students present the same or respond to the same teaching approach. (learning preferences)
  5. Be open minded about social coaches, peer mentors, “class buddies,” and parents (completing paperwork).
  6. Help facilitate social engagement or groupings of students.
  7. Refer to appropriate resources on campus: tutoring, ATC, office hours for clarification of class lecture or assignments.
  8. Think of creatively, non-verbal cues, for example using your hand to signal student to lower voice.
  9. Be direct when communicating with student, “We are leaving class and you can talk to me during office hours.”
  10. Encourage the use of stress reduction techniques, e.g. stress balls or deep breaths.
  11. Team up or consult with ACCESS staff to identify techniques that will help your student. 
  12. Make a recommendation to ACCESS; the student may receive a referral to NUANCE or other resources.